Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ching Ming Day 27-3-2011

blog blog blog again..
last week went back ipoh, my hometown..
purposely went back ipoh for ching ming..
should be going this week but due to dad busy, so went last week..
same routine every year..
early in the morning drive to taiping for ching ming..
and we are getting more late and late year by year..

after prepared..
while waiting for dad prepare..
self loving again in my own room..
and you know i'm so pity??
when i back to my own house..
i got no bed to sleep..
i slept on the floor wey!!
what also dont have..
pity me to the max..
like i'm not in the house anymore only!!
and i quite love that hair in the photo..
i dont know why when i'm using those saloon type of hair dryer..
it can curl my hair..
but i'm blowing my hair with the same way likw how i usually blow when i'm using my small hair dryer..
but i cant do this effect out when i'm using the small hair dryer..
nice right??
and i feel its damn natural..

and this is my youngest sis..
the youngest and also the naughtiest girl at home..
see the way so let me take photo..
damn funny..
like wound only..

with mom and sis..
this photo is blur..

four of us..
the girl in the house..

while on the way to taiping..

reach destination..
and i forget that cant really take photo in those kind of place..

just ignore my cousin behind us..

so yeahh..
this is the look i was on that ching ming day..
then long sleeve shirt..
cause its very hot..
and i dy very dark..
dont want to be more darker than now..
that was my secondary school shirt..
my house shirt..

actually inside i am wearing this yellow singlet..
then add on that shirt..
when finished ching ming..
can straight take it out..
while on the way for lunch..

went one of the hotel in taiping..
we go for the restaurant in the hotel..
cause we need air con..
its really super hot..
mom and dad with sis..

do i look alike with my mom??
cause many ppl said so..
and me and mom is the only two who look like malay..

the family group photo..
i'm so so so dark in the photo..
cause of the window behind..
made me look even dark..

finished lunch and preparing for going back ipoh..
i dont know why dad is standing there..

my gu jie..
she is the youngest and my dad is the eldest..

so yeahh..
self loving again..
then is ready for going back ipoh..

end with love..

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Badminton Night 28-3-2011

hey people..
i'm back to blogging life again..
it has been 4 to 5 days i never update my blog dy..
i used to update my blog one or two days last time..
but due to assignments and presentations and finals..
i'll be a bit busy..
cant update my blog that often..
here come to this post..
badminton night..

went challender sports centre for badminton tonight..
me, see yue, yi xuan and her bf, kelvin..
and yik wai was there too..
we wanted to play long time ago..
but always dont have the chance..
and finally we get to play..

normally monday will be going for swimming with them..
but now change to badminton and friday swimming..
i wish to do more exercise..
because i love sweating..
the feeling of sweating is nice..
so yeahhh..
had a great night today..
thanks see yue for fetching me go and back..
and also fetch me bought my dinner..
thank you so much!!

while waiting see yue to change her shirt..
i asked yi xuan helped me to took this photo..
its scorpion!!
a cheerleading pose..
and yeahhh..
i did mention that i love cheerleading so freaking much in older post..
is it nice?

and this is split..
long time never do split..
i cant open to the end..
so its not that straight..
i will be train back myself to do it and make it perfect..

and for this..
i forgotten what this called..
if i'm not mistaken..
this pose is called arrow..
my leh should be make it straight..
but my flexibility is not that flexible..
so i cant make it and i long time never do dy..
i miss it so much..
and luckily i still can do half of it..

thats all for this post..
stay tuned =)


Thursday, March 24, 2011

You Will Understand It One Day

hey peoples..
i'm back to blogging again..
i think i didnt blog for few days dy right?
busy with assignments all..
and next months finals..
really no much time for blogging..
but i'll blog once i got time..
and this is a short post for today..
and i found it is meaningful..
thats why i post it here at my blog..
have a look..
and its in chinese words..

我们一直觉得妥协一些、将就一些、容忍一些可以得到幸福。但当你的底线放得越低,你得到的就是更低的那个结果!不是吗?多少人在说,我会等你,等你回心转意的那一天;我会等你,等你愿意和我在一起的那一天;我会等你,等你离开那个人来到我身边的那一天;我会等你,等你……然而人们可曾知道,世上的爱情,没有几份真的经得起等待!这个世界上最残忍的一句话,不是对不起,也不是我恨你,而是,我们再也回不去。就是这样再简单不过的一句话,生生的将两个原本亲密的人隔为疏离。 没有经历过的人,永远都不会明白,那是怎样的一种切肤之痛。


世界上最动人的情话,不是“我爱你”,而是在我需要的时候,你说“ I’ll be there ” 。每一个不敢再爱的女人,一定很深的爱过。看起来好象百毒不侵,其实早已百毒侵身。 



明明说着看开了,放下了,每次却总是不自觉的想起那个给与温暖的人。每每又总是在微笑沉醉时看到了现实,想到了伤痛,然后,冷的感觉再也暖和不起来了 。 如此反复,心,终于累了,现实就是这样。我曾经醉过,却又最终醒来,我正在行走,却找不到方向。道歉并不总意味着你是错的,而对方是正确的。有时它只是意味着相对自我而言,你更珍惜你们之间的关系。

有些伤痕,划在手上,愈合后就成了往事;有些伤痕,划在心上,那怕划得很轻,也会留驻于心;有些人,近在咫尺,却是一生无缘。生命中,似乎总有一种承受不 住的痛。有些遗憾,注定了要背负一辈子;生命中,总有一些精美的情感瓷器在我们身边跌碎,然而那裂痕却留在了岁暮回首时的刹那。 

一个人炫耀什么,说明内心缺少什么。一个人越在意的地方,就是最令他自卑的地方。有些人越越想得到的,就越是装作无所谓;越怕失去的,就越是装 作不在乎。人越是得意的事情,越爱隐藏;越是痛苦的事情,越爱小题大作。憎恨某人,优点被看成伪装;喜欢某人,缺点也变得美好。

热恋时爱情,可以什么都不在乎。只要你要,只要我有,因为我爱你,所 以我愿意。一旦感情平复了下来,心中就会出现接连不断的计较,为什么我付出的比你多;为什么我什么都可以给你,你却要有所隐瞒,然后冷战,争吵,分手,和 好,冷战 ... 走得过的就是执子之手,走不过的就只能缅怀当初。 


有些人一直没机会见,等有机会见了,却又犹豫了。有些事一直没机会做,等有机会了,却不想再做了。有些话埋藏在心中好久,没机会说,等有机会说的时候,却 说不出口了。有些爱一直没机会爱,等有机会了,已经不爱了。有些话有很多机会说的,却想着以后再说,要说的时候,却已经没机会了。 

也许你没有貌,但你有才;也许你没有才,但你温柔;也许你没有温柔,但你....... 也许你什么都没有,但是也许,他/她正爱着你的平凡。时间会告诉你一切真相。有些事情,要等到你渐渐清醒了,才明白它是个错误;有些东西,要等到你真正放下了,才知道它的沉重。能牵手的时候,请别肩并肩;能拥抱的时候,请别手牵手。能相爱的时候,请别说分开;拥有了爱情,请别去碰暧昧。男人对女人的伤害,不一定是他爱上了别人,而是他在她有所期待的时候让她失望,在她脆弱的时候没有给她应有的安慰。



人最软弱的地方,是舍不得。 舍不得一段不再精采的感情,舍不得一份虚荣,舍不得掌声。我们永远以为最好的日子是会很长很长的,不必那么快离开。就在我们心软和缺乏勇气的时候,最好的日子毫不留情地逝去了。 

有时候,你等的不是事情,机会,或是谁,你等的是时间。等时间,让自己忘记,等时间,让自己改变,放弃便是得到,forget-it=for-get-it  喜欢一个人是一种感觉,不喜欢一个人却是事实。事实容易解释,感觉却难以言喻。




如果不幸福,如果不快乐,那就放手吧;如果舍不得,如果放不下,那就痛苦吧。我现在才知道,不了解一个人,还可以爱他;我现在才了解,不爱一个人, 还可以思念他;有些人不经意出现,意外的给你惊喜。曾以为他是你生命中的神,可以拯救心灵的干渴,其实错了,有些人注定只是人生里匆匆行走的过客。


如果一个男人真的爱你,他不会冷落你超过三天,因为想念你的日子很难过;如果一个男人真的爱你,他会觉得你是最好的,不会将你和其他女人比较,即便你并不 优秀;如果一个男人真的爱你,他会时时想着让你开心,不会让你流泪;如果一个男人真的爱你,他会默默地付出一切,但很少让你知道他所做的牺牲。









我们常常看到的风景是:一个人总是仰望和羡慕着别人的幸福,一回头,却发现自己正被仰望和羡慕着。其实,每个人都是幸福的。只是,你的幸福,常常在别人眼里 。


有 时候,面对着身边的人,突然觉得说不出话。有时候,曾经一直坚持的东西一夜间面目全非。有时候,想放纵自己,希望自己痛痛快快歇斯底里地发一次疯。有时 候,别人突然对你说,我觉得你变了,然后自己开始百感交集。有时候,觉得自己拥有着整个世界,一瞬间却又觉得自己其实一无所有

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Birthday To My Uncle 19-3-2011

went out with jason and daniel this afternoon..
for my brunch i think..
went kuchai lama for jojo little kicthen..
its a shop that sells ban min..
after that followed them to top 2 snooker centre..
i think its somewhere kuchai lama there too..
the air con there is like so freaking cold..
and i'm shaking there..
then my hand is cold like ice..
after that send jason back..
then send me back to grandma's house..
then get to know that mom post me the biscuit that she bought from Hong Kong is finally received..
i love to eat this lou po ban so freaking much..

 then celebrate birthday for my uncle..
this is his birthday cake..
its actually an ice cream..

this is his family photo..
and cousins all..

and once again..
happy birthday to you, uncle..
thanks for fetching me back to grandma's house everyday =)

end with loves <3 


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Its all about cars

so this post is all about cars..
first, i want to apologise that i'm not so clear about cars..
but how also i have to get a car in my life at least..
at least a car..
but currently dont have any car with me in kl..
so i'm lack of transport..
go where also need to find ppl fetch..
damn annoyed about this..
and all these is the cars that i want to get in my life..

the first one..
audi a6..
i love audi so freaking much..
and i see this audi a6 is not bad..
5ppl seated car..
4doors car..
i love 4doors car if i'm with my friend..
if i'm driving out alone i prefer 2doors car..

and for this..
it is audi r8..
this car is so freaking nice..
if i can and got enough money..
i think i'll buy this for my dad..
he loves cars a lots..
i think buy him car he will happy until no need to sleep dy..
and i dont need to worry about the car..
because dad confirm will always check the car's condition see whether its good or bad..
and its so freaking yeng..
i think this is much more cheaper than fair lady or ferrari right??

and this..
audi tt..
i love this car freaking much also..
i hope i can get one in my life too..
but of course not now..
i will save money and buy this!!

and here comes to volkswagen..
after dad bought that volkswagen car..
i freaking love volkswagen cars now..
i feel that its very nice and comfortable..
the designs all..
and this is beetle from volkswagen..
nowadays i saw many girls driving this in kl..
even my school also got two of it..
one is yellow and one is blue..
hope to get one too..
cause its cute and polite..
and the color..
i love this two pink color..
is like so freaking cute and sweet feel..

and this is volkswagen passat..
i love this car since the day my brother let me see the volkswagen magazine..
and i fall in love in this car..
so i'm thinking whether want this volkswagen passat or the audi a4..
which one better??

and for this..
volkswagen xl1..
i dont know what car is this..
when i google the picture for the volkswagen one..
i saw this..
and this car is freaking yeng..
i so love it..
i think if i drive it on the road..
sure the ppl all looking at the car..
something like transformer?

see this see this..
so damn yeng right??
i think i'll google it more about this car..
got chance..
even buy for my dad i also happy =D
cause the car still will be staying in my house..

and this is bmw m3..
is quite okay also right??
i saw this damn nice also..
but i think i wont be buying bmw..
cause i dont like bmw..
is like you can see everyone driving bmw cars..
i dont like the car that i have and many ppl also have it..
so yeahhhh..
bmw is not in my list =D

so yeahhh..
wait for me kayy..
my volkswagen and audi..
and dad..
i'll buy you a car..
but you have to wait for me okayyy..
end with lovessss